Saturday, July 24, 2004

Linda Ronstadt not the only one...
Winding up her summer tour across Europe, Bonnie Raitt drew thunderous applause at the Stockholm Jazz Festival for dedicating a classic to President George Bush. "We're gonna sing this for George Bush because he's out of here, people!" Raitt crowed Tuesday night before she launched into the opening licks of "Your Good Thing (Is About to End)," a cover that was featured on her 1979 album, "The Glow."
Check out her activist Web site... Some of the vehicles on the Bonnie Raitt/Lyle Lovett Summer Tour, are running on biodiesel!

Friday, July 23, 2004

Web findings...
9/11 Commission Final Report (complete original source material)

An on-line cartoon that pokes fun at both the Bush and Kerry campaigns is burning up the Web, exploding in popularity. CBS News National Correspondent Hattie Kauffman paid a visit to the brothers Gregg and Evan Spiridellis who created it.

Singer Linda Ronstadt was not asked to leave a Las Vegas casino Saturday after she endorsed Michael Moore's controversial film "Fahrenheit 9/11," the Tucson native told the Tucson Citizen Wednesday. "This is an election year. I want people to get their head up out of their mashed potatoes and learn something about the issues and go and vote."

Open Letter to Bill Timmins, President Aladdin Casino and Hotel from Michael Moore

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Rumor has it that...
A group of activists is pushing for a ballot measure in the upcoming State of Montana that says if George W. Bush is re-elected as President of the United States then Montana will automatically become an independent country.

The measure is expected to be on the ballot as a result of the highly organized Libertarians and survivalists in the state. "We´re tired of the federal government dictating what we do and squandering our tax money on foreign entanglements," said Second Montana Militia Commander Frank Morris. "George W. Bush has proven to be fiscally irresponsible and diplomatically inept. If this is the way the rest of the country thinks we should be headed, they´re going to have to go without us."

I have seen the light...
Today I have been uplifted by the divine ministry of Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian. She provides one of the most popular sites on the Internet for "Christian Advice" according to Google.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Web discoveries...
Last Sunday night over 70 folks turned up at here at the Compass Coffeehouse to watch "Outfoxed," a documentary on the FOX network. It is the first of our regular cinema screening events in Fish Creek. As a follow up I discovered that on July 19 Rupert Murdoch began an interview session about "Outfoxed" in Doonesbury! Enjoy the latest from Gary Trudeau and don't fail to click on "next date" to keep up with his ongoing focus on FOX.

More FOX grins...
Al Franken just mentioned Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly, International an organization dedicated to the dissemination of information that exposes Bill O'Reilly for what he is: The most dangerous man in "news".

Intelligence Memo Misspelled Country Name; Iran Not Iraq Had 9/11 Ties
"In an incredible turn of events, John McLaughlin, acting CIA director, discovered a mistake that clears Iraq and Saddam Hussein from any ties to 9/11 and in turn places the blame straight on Iran and it's government."

and a noteable recent Compass Internet Cafe visitor...
A multi-media performance artist, Tony Allard from San Diego stopped in yesterday to check his e-mail and started talking about his WorldMix projects. Tony collects Fossil Media, on a DAT recorder that he carries everywhere, then he takes his collection of fossils to a studio and broadcasts sound mixes, built in layers that include his own stuff and the sounds of all types of local radio signals that end up in a sound collage. You can hear examples on-line, and learn about his films and other work at Fossil Media.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

A week slips by...

Elections in Jeb Bush’s Florida

Since 27,000 votes were literally thrown out in Jacksonville, Florida in the 2000 presidential election Congresswoman Corrine Brown spoke out last week in support of HR-4818, a bill that would provide international monitoring of the November 2004 presidential election.

Brown said, "I come from Florida, where you and others participated in what I call the United States coup d'etat. We need to make sure that it doesn't happen again. Over and over again after the election when you stole the election, you came back here and said get over it. No we're not going to get over it and we want verification from the world."

Republican members of the House immediately objected and moved to strike her comments from the record - which is why I like recording them here... The House then censured Brown which kept her from talking on the House floor for the rest of the day. But she's just getting started talking, and galvanizing people to Support the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act.

She has taken over 2,000 people in her district to see Fahrenheit 9/11. Cheers to WBDK's Roger Utnehmer, who gave each of his employees at Nicolet Broadcasting $20 and told them to take a friend to Sturgeon Bay's Cinema 6 to see Michael Moore's film.