"Together, we will create a healthy and secure America, everywhere in these United States. In this democracy, and at this time in our history, people rightly demand that its leaders join together to defend our national security, to end the War in Iraq, to attract high wage jobs for those able to work, to balance our budgets, to secure equal opportunity and gender equality for all, to bring an end to special privileges for the few, and to preserve each and every one of our hard won civil liberties.Steve Kagen has already been elected, by his peers as one of the "?Best Doctors in America," and spent seven years as CNN's allergy consultant. He teaches at Medical College of Wisconsin, lectures around the world, is known for his research work discovering new causes of asthma... and now he wants to work for you in Washington DC.
And by defending our national security, we mean to correctly include the protection of our quality of life, everywhere in these United States, by guaranteeing the ongoing success of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and by vigorously defending our Environment, as we seek to become an Energy independent nation.
Securing our future begins by solving our American healthcare dilemma, with No Patient Left Behind. I strongly believe together, we will."
With the Constitution shot full of holes, the Geneva Conventions battered and bruised, scientists being attacked by dim-bulb legislators who seek to suck up to the religious right, soldiers and innocent civilians dying and getting wounded every day in an unjustifiable war, FEMA asleep at the wheel, a phony MBA cheerleader party-boy president, a Halliburton employee as VP in charge of awarding no bid contracts and over 45 million Americans with NO health insurance... "Is there a doctor in the House?" Not yet, but I think we can send one in 2006!