Thursday, November 11, 2004

"Do you believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11?"
That's the question of the day today on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360° and, so far 88% of the 4,493 voters say YES.

"At least eight of the 19 foreign-national September 11 hijackers had registered to vote in either Florida or Virginia," says John Fund in his brief historical essay, How to Steal an Election in the latest City Journal.

Central in the administration's debate over what interrogation techniques are permissible for prisoners held since the Sept. 11 attacks, Alberto Gonzales is the author of a White House memorandum in which he wrote that the Geneva Conventions were 'quaint' and not suitable for the war against terrorism. Alberto Gonzales has a record of injustice as White House Counsel tracing back to his role in advising the Texecutioner.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The economic unraveling begins...
Greenspan, Fed Governors Warn on Government Spending
"Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says the growing U.S. budget deficit could destabilize the economy... 'A second term for Bush doesn't bode well for the dollar,' said Samarjit Shankar, director of global foreign-exchange strategy at Mellon Financial Corp. in Boston, which manages $625 billion. 'There's no way of convincing the market additional spending on the war can be paid for if you have a lower tax base. It's a fundamental mismatch between spending and revenue.'"

"Praise God And Pass Out The Cash," says Harley Sorensen.

And even Popular Science is talking about vote fraud...

Sorry, Your Vote Has Been: Lost, Hacked, Miscast, Recorded Twice
New electronic voting machines are supposed to prevent another Election Day disaster, but these paperless PCs could make hanging chads seem like a minor nuisance

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Call in the Geeks...
"Your local elections officials trusted a group called NASED - the National Association of State Election Directors - to certify that your voting system is safe. This trust was breached," says Bev Harris. "NASED certified the systems based on the recommendation of an 'Independent Testing Authority' (ITA)." Harris rounded up a crew of skeptical computer geeks who dug into the "independent testing" process. Her report: The Tampering of Electronic Voting Systems on November 2nd reveals some critical flaws and even has links to dowload the GEMS software to test it for yourself.

The Federal Election Commission explains that, "Independent Testing Authorities designation is granted by NASED, and The Election Center (in its capacity as secretariat for NASED).

While the Election Center claims to be, "a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting, preserving, and improving democracy... (whose) members are government employees whose profession is to serve in voter registration and elections administration," critics contend that the Election Center acts as a front group for e-voting machine vendors.

In March 2004, a mistake by the IRS inadvertently revealed that e-voting machine vendor Sequoia had donated $10,000 per year to the Center from 1997 through 2000. When challenged by the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Center's executive director R. Doug Lewis confirmed that the center had taken donations from the following makers of electronic voting machines:

* Sequoia Voting Systems Inc. of Oakland, CA
* Election Systems & Software, Inc. (ES&S) of Omaha, Neb.
* 'probably' (in Lewis's words) Diebold Election Systems will tell you all about The Election Center.

Are you getting angry yet... or still in denial?

Find out, "Why Kerry Conceded Defeat despite Electoral Fraud" from the Centre for Research on Globalization. In the article they ask you to, "...consider what we would be left with other than defeat, had the Democratic Party thrown its support behind Carol Mosley Braun, Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton or even Howard Dean. We might still be faced with Bush on November 3rd, smirking and basking in the glow of illegitimate power. But we would also have a country that was at least talking about the possibility of ending war on Iraq, protecting civil liberties, and challenging the many forms of racial social and economic injustice that are endemic in this country. We might have heard corporate media pundits being forced to talk about something, anything new."

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance...
Skip the last two stages of "Grief" as defined by Elsabeth Kubler-Ross, it's time to get to work defining the spiritual left wing of this bird.

Democrats need to lay claim to the real pro-life party by opposing all war and the killing of our own soldiers along with tens of thousands of innocent civilians. Reverse the direction toward the greater use of atomic weapons and begin moving toward nuclear disarmament. Become the real pro-life party by demanding an end to the death penalty nationwide. What is it about "Thou shall not kill" that you don't understand?

Defend the environmental resources we have been entrusted with. Clean air and water are directly related to diminishing the use of fossil fuels. Work to support the use of alternative fuels and conservative energy efficient design. Become the ethical defender of minorities and the oppressed... black, Hispanic, gay, women, poor, and laboring Americans. Fight the corporatization of everything from the media, to healthcare and pharmaceuticals, to social security, to patented genetics in seed crops, to tax laws. Explain that an educated pro-life stance does not oppose in vitro fertilization, nor should it oppose the use of the resultant thousands of discarded zygotes for infant stem cell research. Recognize that Palestinians are an oppressed people and the weapons of mass destruction are stockpiled in Israel.

Simply said: It's time for Democrats to become the genuine opposition Party!

As a legally ordained minister I approve this liberal and progressive Sunday sermon,
Stephen Kastner

Recomended reading...

What's the Matter with Kansas?
How Conservatives Won the Heart of America

"A heartland populist, Frank is hilariously funny on what makes us red-staters different from blue-staters (not), and he actually knows evangelical Christians, antiabortion activists, gun-nuts, and Bubbas. I promise y'all, this is the only way to understand why so many Americans have decided to vote against their own economic and political interests. And Frank explores the subject with scholarship, understanding, passion, and -- thank you, Mark Twain -- such tart humor."
--Molly Ivins