Saturday, April 16, 2005

It's all the rage these days, religious leaders of all flavors are deciding to take back the moral highground from the silly and simplistic, Satan-fearing sycophants. These are the endgame days and ways of a new world order as dictated by the Unitarian Jihad...

"Beware! Unless you people shut up and begin acting like grown-ups with brains enough to understand the difference between political belief and personal faith, the Unitarian Jihad will begin a series of terrorist-like actions. We will take over television studios, kidnap so-called commentators and broadcast calm, well-reasoned discussions of the issues of the day. We will not try for "balance" by hiring fruitcakes; we will try for balance by hiring non-ideologues who have carefully thought through the issues."

"People of the United States! We are Unitarian Jihad! We can strike without warning. Pockets of reasonableness and harmony will appear as if from nowhere! Nice people will run the government again! There will be coffee and cookies in the Gandhi Room after the revolution."

How fitting and indeed just right that my Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Nail Gun of Enlightenment.

Get yours.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

When Door County photographer Jan Goff-LaFontaine decided to do a photo project on abuse against women, she took a daring approach... asking the models in her latest work, "Women in Shadow and Light, Journeys from Abuse to Healing," to provide not only their painful life stories, but to pose nude in order to "...let them see their bodies in a new way and let them find their beauty again... to sort of reclaim their bodies and their beauty."

Monterey Herald reporter Brenda Moore says, "...(Jan) talked about the idea with two friends who had been in abusive relationships and both endorsed it. She also discussed it with an abuse survivor who ran a domestic violence services agency in Door County. The woman liked the idea, and agreed to take part in it, she said. One woman led to another and another and eventually she had 40 subjects, ranging in age from 19 to 95, victims of sexual and physical abuse by family members, spouses, partners, strangers."

I wonder what response Jan's work would have elicited from Andrea Dworkin; born September 26, 1946, died April 9, 2005 a campaigner, writer and feminist activist who helped break the taboo over talking about violence against women by writing openly about her experiences as a prostitute, rape victim and battered wife. She led an active crusade against pornography and violence against women but her "bottom line" uncompromising approach was almost as threatening to women as she was to men. Her anti-marriage, anti-male stance split the feminist movement, where liberals believe "tasteful" pornography is empowering.

Camille Paglia cattily remarked that Dworkin never addressed her real problem, which was food. “Thanks to Madonna, the whole pro-sex wing of feminism which had been ostracized since the ’60s came back with a vengeance," says Paglia. "And we won. We won massively. Now, Catharine MacKinnon, Andrea Dworkin, you hardly see their names anywhere.”

"Young women are rarely given the opportunity to speak on their own behalf on issues that affect their lives and futures," says They advocate girl-power by providing and on-line platform for them to comment, analyze and influence."

Meanwhile dirty old men are still lurking in the background... the power of porn is no secret to Rupert Murdoch. But how many conservative Fox News fans realize that Murdoch's News Corp. owned satellite cable company DirecTV, makes more than $200 million a year in pay-per-view pornography. Murdoch also owns the New York Post, and Harper Collins, which published porn star Jenna Jameson's bestselling book ''How to Make Love Like a Porn Star."

Comcast, the nation's largest cable company, also cashes in on porn, making more than $50 million from distributing XXX movies. And Comcast's E! Television network ran a highly rated ''E! True Hollywood" story starring none other than Jenna Jameson.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Janice in Baileys Harbor writes:
Hi Everyone!
If you care about the effects that Monsanto's poisons are having on our health, our environment and the rest of the world, you may want to sign a petition against them. Visit to learn more, then click on Sign the Millions Against Monsanto petition that sends the FAX below to Monsanto CEO, Hugh Grant.

Monsanto is a HUGE, POWERFUL, EVIL EMPIRE...a "terrorist" of the worst kind. It's good that someone is trying to take a stand.

Hugh Grant
Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer
Monsanto Company
800 North Lindbergh Boulevard
St. Louis, MO-63167
(314) 694-1000

Dear Mr. Grant:

I am deeply concerned about the direction Monsanto Company has taken in the past decade with respect to sustainable agriculture and farmers' rights. Right now we are at a critical crossroads in history, and I fear that Monsanto Company is not contributing to the nation's welfare with a "profits over people" attitude.

Monsanto Company has embarked on a vicious campaign against family farmers in the North American heartland, as well as across the world. These hardworking farmers are the backbone of our nation's food supply and national security. The current climate of insecurity has been exacerbated by your company¹s policies of intimidation, lawsuits and defamation.

Monsanto's legal actions against Percy Schmeiser, the Rodney Nelson family, and the Oakhurst Dairy for example, are deplorable attacks, and do not reflect your "Stake in the Ground" pledge to honesty and decency.

The North American farm sector is becoming a veritable wasteland. Monsanto's Genetically Engineered crops have increased pesticide use, destroyed key export markets and threaten global food safety. Over 90% of American consumers want genetically engineered foods labeled, while 60% or more want GE-Free food for themselves and for their families.

Family farmers have the right to produce the safe, sustainable food without fear of intimidation and litigation. Consumers have the right to choose food that guarantees their families' health and safety. I demand that Monsanto change course by adopting the following practices:

1. Stop intimidating small family farmers
2. Stop force-feeding untested and unlabeled genetically engineered foods on consumers
3. Stop using billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money to subsidize genetically engineered crops- cotton, soybeans, corn, and canola.
4.Stop placing patents on life forms. It is unethical and immoral.

I look forward to your written response on this important matter.
