Friday, November 05, 2004

From Manic Depression to... Purple Haze

"I was thinking today about how the 'red v. blue' states graphic is really misleading considering the slim margins that the candidates won some of those states by, so I sat down and created the map," says Jeff Culver. See USA Today for a national red/blue breakdown mapped by county for 2004 and 2000.

Meanwhile there has been some debate regarding the actual phrasing in Osama bin Laden's most recent message, "In conclusion, I tell you in truth, that your security is not in the hands of Kerry, nor Bush, nor al-Qaida. No. Your security is in your own hands. And every state that doesn't play with our security has automatically guaranteed its own security."

It has been said that Osama actually understands the electoral college system and intends to strike only the "red" states... Here's the map he intends to go by:

"One thing we can say for certain at this point, after the grieving, the anger, is that the country is still bitterly divided," says the Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel in Stand and Fight.

Maybe I'm just a bad loser but why isn't the "media" discussing any of the following:

"It happened all around the country. Prior to Election Day 2004, people of colors, students and low-income people were intimidated and denied the right to vote. Citizens reported 1,074 instances of voter intimidation to the Election Protection Coalition. Read a few of the many examples of voter suppression.

Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked

Greg Palast says Kerry Won.

In states where there were paper ballots the results exactly matched the exit polls.

In states where there were only electronic 'touch-screen' paperless voting machines Bush showed an inexplicable 5-8 point or more difference from the polls, contradicting otherwise accurate exit polls.

The software used in these voting machines is so sophisticated that you can't even check out the programming because it disappears leaving nothing to verify, no source code, no nothing.

"Did the voting machines trump exit polls? There’s a way to find out. Black Box Voting (.ORG) is conducting the largest Freedom of Information action in history."

The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy by Thom Hartmann

Machine Error Gives Bush Extra Ohio Votes

More Evidence The Vote Was Rigged from Wayne Nash.

"As evidence mounts that this election was likely stolen, it becomes imperative that the unleashed outrage is channeled into effective political action." Draft Dean says Stephen Dinan.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Never before have I seen an American election where one party is working like crazy to get people to vote, while the other party is doing everything it can to block the vote... "It's just the sounds of the Devil going down screaming," says my beautiful and intelligent wife.

Poet and pal Mark Turcotte alerted me to the NEA's Operation Homecoming, funded by Boeing. Many people doubt the validity of a project funded by an arms manufacturer that intends to give troops who have served in Iraq the encouragement to express themselves about their experiences.

Operation Truth is a non-profit 501(c)(4), non-partisan veterans' organization that is already accomplishing what the NEA proposes in “Hear it from the Troops,” unencumbered by war-maker sponsorship.

If you have ever suspected that George W. Bush is actually a snotty teenage brat posing as an adult this video clip proves you are correct.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Here's a couple of Halloween treats...
But this filmstrip's not for kiddies.
"I just don't feel like we should changing horses in mid stream, even if the horse is on fire and the stream is made of gasoline..." from WTFMFWTFAYT another song by Jim's Big Ego.

And just in case you missed this one on CNN...
Jon Stewart's Brutal Exchange with CNN Host Tucker Carlson over journalism ethics.

Ever wonder How Bin Laden Got Away?

To set one more record straight...
‘Swift Boat Veterans for Truth’ does everything possible to conceal the fact that every member of John Kerry’s own boat crew endorses him for president.