Saturday, March 27, 2004

New Door County related Web site discoveries include three new music sites...

Craig Storlie has established a free recording studio in Sturgeon Bay. Watch for a forthcoming story on his efforts. For now you can find out more at Abacus Recording.

The Jim Larsen Boys & Girls Club of Door County in Sturgeon Bay has a new attraction that features a way to learn the art of making music at the Door School of Rock.

One of the favorite, hot local bands that's involved in the music scene at the JLBGC has a Web site: Check out The Vagrants.

On another note... (no pun intended) Trace your roots at: Door County Genealogy including a ton of reference materials and a place to ask other Door County genealogy researchers for help on the Rootsweb Message Boards for Door County.

Here's a great heritage resource entitled Penny Postcards where you can see a collection of historic Door County postcards.

All of these new links have been added to the Door County Compass Web Links Guide...
