Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Southern Italian town of Altamura, Apulia is "breaking the chains" by supporting local businesses. Five years ago, McDonald's Corp. revealed plans to open a fast food restaurant in the town. Area citizens, supported by Italy's Slow Food movement, campaigned against the development by establishing their own group "Friends of Cardoncello" (named after an Italian mushroom).

Despite community opposition, McDonald's built a fast food store in town, but struggled over the next few years, as townspeople shunned the "golden arches" and supported local baker Luigi Digesù and other community restaurants.

Last month, McDonald's closed its doors and left town.

"There was no marketing strategy, no advertising promotion, no discounts," Il Giornale, an area resident commented. "It was just that people decided the baker's products were better. David has beaten Goliath."

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